My CLI Project

Brandon Stephens
2 min readJan 8, 2021

When I started my CLI project, I believed that I would be able to go from start to finish without any kind of problem. Oh how I was wrong. My first impression when looking at a CLI was that it was a simple program that could be thrown together with just a handful of code. However, just the initial planning shown to be a difficult task not easily accomplished. When you have the opportunity to create a CLI with whatever you want, a world of possibilities opens up. After several hours of planning, search, and panicking, I knew what I wanted to do. I created a CLI that gives the user my personal selecting on my favorite Playstation 4 games. The user interface was quite easy to assemble. It used basic level commands to navigate between options. The real challenge came from scrapping my information. The first and probably the most difficult obstacle that I had come across was getting pry to work. When I would try to use pry my computer returned to me that i was using an insecure file pathway. After that message, my application would close itself preventing me from scrapping any information. I had the reach out for help. My cohort lead helped me change a few settings and with that I was finally able to scrap the official Playstation store for information. Finding the information that was useful to my application was quite a challenge. Each website was set up differently with a wide variety of information not available on all sites. But after many hours of picking and choosing the information that they all had in common, I was finally able to integrate all the information I needed into the my code. I was finally able to complete my first application on my own. This was a major step of myself as I now know I have the potential to grow and create more complex application in the future. My CLI may not be the most well put together application, but to me it quite a beautiful piece of code. I believe that the more I continue to learn about coding the better and more well structured my applications will become.

